JOIN for our LIVE FLUSH Oct 6th - 13th

EAT what you LOVE & deeply reset your HEALTH in just 8 days

The Easy Breezy Liver Flush is an 8 day, total body detox of heavy metals, toxins, bacteria, viruses, & parasites that supports your Kidneys & Colon so your Liver & Gallbladder can gently eliminate intrahepatic and regular gallstones naturally—which we all have.

Easy Breezy is not a diet. Easy Breezy guides us to listen to our bodies and facilitates a deep internal cleanse, allowing us to balance our cholesterol, permitting our Liver—the body's control station—to Restore, Regenerate, and Stay Empowered.


Right now, get lifetime access for just $55 (normally $475). Offer expires soon.

Includes a Community and monthly Live Group Call, every 1st Monday of the month.

Exciting News!!!

Lauren Ashley in our Community inspired our FIRST LIVE FLUSH

Join now, grab your products &

FLUSH with us OCT 6th - 13th.

Preliminary details are in the community & emails will go out this week.

Testimonials & Reviews


Just wanted to thank Mark L. for this Awesome, full recap of his experience of dealing with:

1.) Was in Stage 3 Adrenal Fatigue & is now in Stage 1

2.) Learning he had a Severe Fatty Liver

3.) Why he purchased the Easy Breezy Liver Flush

4.) His experience during the Easy Breezy Liver Flush

5.) His Results from the Easy Breezy Liver Flush.


Just wanted to thank Johanna for her time in sharing her experience and incredible results!

A few months ago, I was diagnosed with fatty liver, which really scared me. I also gained a few pounds and needed to reset my system to prepare for a healthier lifestyle. I stumbled across Easy Breezy on Instagram. After watching a few videos in the app, I was super excited to start. I did the 3-day prep from Thursday to Saturday so I could begin the flush on Sunday. On the first day, I took some castor oil pills, and they worked immediately! I felt a sense of relief right away, and it was only the first day.

As the days went by, I followed the instructions to the letter and watched Gabriella's videos, which were very insightful and educational. I learned a lot about my body that I had never known before. I felt happier knowing that the clay was literally pulling toxins out of my body. I started to have more energy and my mood improved.

On Day 8, I was excited to see the results. After the flush, I was absolutely amazed and dumbfounded to see all the gallstones coming out of my body. Most were lentil to pea-sized, but some were as large as wasabi peas. The pictures show only the ones that my strainer caught (yes, I used a strainer), but there were thousands of tiny bits of them in the toilet. After the coffee enema, I extracted a 3/4-1 inch gallstone! I was beaming from ear to ear.

I am extremely happy that I did this flush and plan to do another in four weeks. It is very different from other flushes because you can still eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so you are not starving throughout the process. I ate healthily, sticking to eggs, salmon, chicken, and lots of veggies. (Regarding weight loss (although I did not do this for weight loss), I probably lost 1-2 lbs.

You do not have to lock yourself in your house for a week for fear of "accidents" or unexpected bathroom runs. Also, it is not painful at all. I've taken laxatives before for constipation, and the cramps and discomfort that come with those are just awful. During this flush, I did not feel uncomfortable at all, even during the enemas. I actually LOVED the enemas. The first one was a little messy, but afterward, you really feel fantastic and lighter. I plan to do a coffee enema weekly.

Overall, I highly recommend trying it out. Gabriella is with you all the way through and is always available via email and chat. I reached out to her many times, and she was always there to help. Do yourself and your body a favor, and try this! You will be amazed with your results and it won't hurt to try :). - Johanna C


Just wanted to thank Linda for sharing. She was one of the first people that joined the course and I'm so happy for her results.

I just finished my 2nd liver flush and I feel great! I was hesitant to do my 1st liver flush because I didn't really know what to expect but I did it because Gabriella's step-by-step guide and videos were so helpful! Soon after my 1st flush I knew I needed to do another one so I did. I plan on doing a 3rd one soon too. The most notable thing for me was that I didn't need my daily/morning coffee. I didn't even realize I didn't have it for about 2 or 3 days after my 1st liver flush as I had morning energy!

I didn't hesitate going into my 2nd flush and I am so glad I did. I felt great after the 2nd flush too. The most notable thing for me was the inflammation in my face and legs were down. I woke up on day 8 feeling my eyelids doing something not usual. The puffiness was going down and I could literally feel it! And my legs, I could tell I had some definition in my calf muscles. Before it just looked like a puffy leg, lol.

My 1st flush had tiny stones that passed but this 2nd one had bigger stones that passed. I am wondering if I have even bigger ones. I went into my 2nd flush pretty excited and now I'm even more excited about my 3rd liver flush! It's gross, but I've been taking pictures of every bowel movement I had. At first I didn't even want to look in the toilet, lol, but Gabriella encouraged it. I am so grateful to Gabriella for putting this amazing course together. It was beautifully done.

I love all the extras she added like the medications, cutting cords, dance and finding your spirit animal. I would recommend this course to anyone and everyone who does take their health as a priority. Best of all, it's so easy to do and inexpensive. I've done other detox programs that had me swallowing 10+ pills daily and were so expensive to keep up with. This is a no brainer for me and will forever be a part of my wellness routine. - Linda C.


The Easy Breezy Liver Flush was exactly as the name suggests—easy to incorporate into my daily routine. Gabriella's energy and clear instructions made the process enjoyable and straightforward. Initially, I was skeptical, but the results truly blew me away! I couldn't believe I would pass stones the size of gumballs, but I did. Seeing is believing! After the flush, I felt incredibly clean, and my eyesight even improved. Which is something I'be been worried about. This flush is a miraculous game-changer! Thank you, Gabriela! I’m actually looking forward to the second Liver flush to see what else is up there and I can’t wait to do the parasite cleanse!!!

-Vanessa V, Co5mosis


My Husband and I did this! I was having major colon blocks, now its totally gone... we got colonics the day after our flush, and both of us were completely clean! Only stones came out. I was impressed... I have done the liver flush itself about 10-12 times before, but this is really next level!

- Omra K


Gabriella is a real life ANGEL. I found her last minute after preparing for 6 days for my liver flush and meeting many obstacles. She showed up and brought such ease, understanding and solutions which helped soothe my worries. Had I not found her I don’t believe I would have had the confidence to follow through. I cannot thank her enough!

- Jenna Marie, RN


You're my Angel! I've been suffering with a Fatty Liver and I'm so grateful, because after doing this flush, I know in my heart, this is the answer. - G Salazar


I highly recommend doing this flush. It was a little complex for me, but well worth it. Gabriella walks you through it with plenty of information and references to do more research on your own. The price is reasonable and there is a lot of support to help complete it. I have flushed one time and got immediate results I wasn't sure if I had stones in my gallbladder but have had fatty liver issues. After flushing I had quite a few stones that came out. It has made a huge difference in so many ways, helped with my digestive and inflammation issues and has helped me to get my mental clarity back. I will definitely be continuing this protocol for the rest of my life. It is an invaluable tool and Gabriella is a great teacher!

-Greg K, Pilot


Review of Gabriella Schaefer's EZ Liver Flush:

Thank you, Gabriella! This was my first, ever liver flush. I admit I was nervous. Your program was, as promised, easy to follow. You answered all of my questions promptly and graciously. The flush went well. It was absolutely painless and simple. I got out some dark stones, which made me wonder how long they had been inside of me, and I felt wonderful afterward. I'm looking forward to doing another flush in a month to make sure I've cleared out all of them.

I also want to thank you for all the other information and extras included in your program. I really enjoyed your meditations, the tea recipes, the advice on flushing and protecting the kidneys as well, and the protocol for addressing parasites, plus all the links for sourcing the items necessary for this flush and extra options for helpful products. I particularly love the way you helped adapt your program to my individual needs. You truly went above and beyond my expectations. I felt I got so much more than my money's worth with your program. I wholeheartedly recommend your program to anyone interested in improving their health!

Sincerely, Aoife A. M, author

What would EASY BREEZY do for you?

  • Lose Belly Fat

  • Saves Your Gallbladder

  • Deeply cleanses your liver, so symptoms of most diseases subside

  • Makes Fatty Liver a Thing of the Past

  • Lowers Cholesterol Naturally

  • Eliminates Allergies

  • Say Goodbye to Arthritis

  • Stabilizes Mood

  • Osteoporosis: Your bones get stronger when your liver is supported to produce enough bile for proper fat digestion, preventing calcium from being stripped away from your bones.

  • Regulates Bowels

  • Targets Kidney Stones

  • Parasite Elimination

What you'll Learn in the Easy Breezy Liver Flush, Step by Step,

to Reviving your Mind & Liver.

The Science & How it Works

  • Hello, Welcome & Meet Your Instructor

  • Tools of the Trade

  • Earth's Miracle Healer & our Weapon against Degeneration

  • All about Castor

  • Your Liver

  • Your Gallbladder

  • Bile or Liquid Gold

  • Intrahepatic Liverstones & Regular Gallstones

  • Wins to Keep & Losses we'll Avoid from my 17 years of Retreats & Cleansing

  • Let's flush and move into the 3%

Major Bonuses:

  • What to do if you are suffering from Gallbladder Attacks. How to stop them now and avoid surgery.

  • 20 day Kidney Stone Dissolving Protocol

Days 1-7: Strengthening the Control Center of Your Body

  • Detoxify your body easily from heavy metals, fluoride, toxins, bacteria, viral debris and parasites while still eating what you love.

  • We'll flush our kidneys simply and enjoyably.

  • Experience two natural and cramp-free colon cleanses that allow your body to hydrate and your colon to begin eliminating properly within 30 minutes.

  • Step-by-step videos as we flush our livers and gallbladder of intrahepatic liver stones and gallstones on Day 7. RESULTS are the Morning of Day 8.

  • ALL WHILE eating the food you love.

  • Engage in meditations to transmute the 'ick' and clear your auric field, where disease begins its manifestation.

  • Learn ceremonies to break soul ties that no longer serve you.

  • Impromptu healings

  • Ecstatic dance, from the beaches of Mexico, among other movement options

Day 8 - Maintaining Your Glorious Results

  • The 100's - 1,000's of Stones Released

  • Question, Probiotics, Prebiotics & Check in

  • The Next Steps in maintaining your success.

Additional BONUSES - 21 Day Parasite Detox & Optional Diet Blueprint

  • Simple 21 day Parasite Detox to avoid the Herx

  • Different Parasite Protocols once you are ready

  • The Castor Oil Full Moon Protocol

Additional Bonuses

  • Private Community: Get all your questions answered daily so you are never second guessing or wasting time!

  • Live Group Call: A Bi-Monthly live Group call to check on on progress, concerns, wins and where you may need help.

Tune into your body and become the 3% who still enjoy effortless health

Meet Your Instructor

Hello! I'm Gabriella Schaefer. I've been cleansing my body for as long as I can remember. I've detoxified my body effortlessly of a 2+ year exposure to Black Mold. Eliminated the Arthritis that came with it, major mood swings and when I was younger, my allergies to cats.

As a child, evaluating our poop's size was bathroom entertainment. Water fasting, tea fasting, eating organic foods and consuming free-range were the norms in our family during the '80s and '90s.

My father used to spend hundreds of dollars on pills monthly and explain what each of the 50 pills were for. He would then remind us that if we ate white refined sugar, it would destroy our skin, we'd wrinkle, get old like him and die. I was around eleven. Parents — they do the best they can.

This upbringing fostered a desire to learn, leading me to consistently detox from a young age using over-the-counter pills, homemade remedies, books, and any other resources I could find for information or processes.

As I became successful in real estate in my 30s, my obsession with cleansing my body escalated. For the last 17 years, I've visited retreat after retreat in an effort to cleanse, detoxify, achieve eternal youth, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, survive the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of my job as a realtor in the NYC market. To achieve a better state of harmony and a life worth living, I also became a Reiki Master and studied theater arts for the last eight years.

What I hope this course will do is help you chip away at age-old limiting beliefs that hold you back. And the #1 thing I've learned throughout my life journey is... 👉  It starts in your liver,👉 migrates to your gut where parasites begin their damage, and 👉ends with your ability or inability to clear your auric field. If you achieve a modest grasp of these three things, you will be ahead of 97% of the world's population and generally in a state of joy, appreciation, and life. AND THAT RIGHT THERE is what inspired me to spend the last year meditating and developing a course that I could share.

I hope you're as excited as I am for you to begin this journey!

Who Is This Course FOR?

  • You love food!

  • You want to clean your liver and have the health you're meant to have.

  • You value joy and simplicity.

  • You desire real change.

  • You want to get ahead of the curve now.

  • We understand your frustration; we've all been there.


Who Is this Course NOT For?

  • You support the $1.6 trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry.

  • You do not want guided help.

  • You enjoy flipping through the hundreds of cleanses and alternative pills online that generally don't work.

  • You prefer to figure things out through trial and error, regardless of the time and expense involved.

What to expect from


  • Eliminating 100s to 1000s of intrahepatic liver stones and gallstones, some of which are aged 10-30 years, and preventing your body from functioning properly.

  • If you don't think you have stones, you absolutely do. We all do, and they need to be removed.

  • If you are scared of removing stones, don't be. It doesn't hurt, and is all natural. The guidelines in this course are safe & overly protect your body for maximum results.

  • Cleansing and hydrating your colon naturally.

  • Understanding how your body functions and why.

  • Eliminating heavy metals, toxins, parasites and junk naturally.

  • Simple mental health practices to support restoration.

Are you READY for your Transformation?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Products and cost?

The products are nominal, we use medicinal clays as binders & lemon water or diluted tart cherry juice to help increase liquid intake. Castor Oil and salts are used to help flush the colon. Enema are also encouraged but optional. Many Flushers have been scared and then LOVED the enemas. Easy Breezy is about restricting fat for a short time, and flushing bile in a way that removes Pathogens & Sludge. Product are around $55 and the reusable Enema Kit suggested is $25-$50.

The Parasite Kits and parasite tools range from $14 - $95. Videos and tutorials are included, but deep Parasite Flushing is recommended after properly cleaning the liver a few times (4) so your pathways are open and the experience is enjoyable.

What skill level is this program for?

Beginner: I've designed 'Easy Breezy' to make the results manageable and achievable. I will guide you step-by-step, from the very inexpensive tools I use, to the methods and their reasons. This course is suitable for anyone struggling with their health or anyone who is keen on prevention.

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

Once you purchase, you will have lifetime access to the course and to our community.

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

Not really. There are indeed many flushing techniques and meditations available online. However, 'Easy Breezy' is a version that has emerged from all the errors and failures I've experienced over the last 16 years of retreat and at-home flushing, specifically related to intrahepatic liver stone removal. This will be further elaborated in the 'Wins and Losses Module,' which tracks my flushing experiences from age 30 to 47.

Do I need to need anything before starting?

In the 'Tools of the Trade' module, you will be able to click on and purchase the items needed for this flush.

Can I still work while Flushing? Will I be attached to the toilette?

The Easy Breezy Liver Flush was created to support living our lives while flushing. The times that you will be attached to a toilette are - Night 5 which will last 1.5 to 2 hours from beginning to end. Night 7 & the morning of Day 8, you will be expelling and seeing the fruits of your labor.

There is a full schedule for you to review before watching all the videos as we flush together. The best day to start the flush is generally a Sunday, so that you finish the flush on a Sunday and are ready and empowered for your work week by Monday.

Everything is outlined carefully in the modules and lessons. See you on the inside!

Is there a Guarantee?

Absolutely! Easy Breezy Liver Flush has a Satisfaction Guarantee Policy. If you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED by the Easy Breezy Liver Flush Program, then contact for a full refund, no questions asked!

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DISCLAIMER: The content presented in Easy Breezy Liver Flush is for informational and educational purposes only. This class is intended to share knowledge and practices related to liver cleansing, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice, evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. The educator facilitating this class does not claim to have medical expertise or credentials. The information shared is based on research, personal experiences, and traditional practices. The educator and any associated entities make no guarantees or warranties regarding the outcomes, benefits, or safety of the practices discussed. They cannot be held liable for any harm, decisions, or actions taken based on the class content. If you’re not willing to accept that, pleased do not purchase the Easy Breezy Liver Flush Program.